New show added to the July tour
Dear Dutch Venetians,
Due to the overwhelming response to the special Pine Mountain Logs show in July, featuring members of the band Venice playing classic hits from the 60's up 'til today, a second show has been added to the short but sweet July tour in Holland.
Since the Pine Mountain Logs (PML) show at De Bosuil Musiekcentrum, in Weert sold out so fast, we wanted to give the rest of Holland a chance to experience the LOGS Live....especially those of you that live far from the south of Holland.
This might be the only time the Logs come to Holland, so if you enjoy the "rockier" side of Venice, don't miss this opportunity to rock out and dance the night away....and while you're there, you can pick up the brand new Pine Mountain Logs DVD, "Live and ON FIRE".....available for the first time anywhere at these shows.
The Logs line up will include all the original members (as seen below)....with a surprise guest appearance by one of your favorite musicians.
*Please note: the PML concerts are "standing shows."
For tickets to the newly added Pine Mountain Logs show at PX in the musical city of Volendam, click the button below. Don't wait too tickets available.
We hope to see you in July!
Michael - Venice