Michael Lennon's Newsletter
Hello friends,
As you might have guessed, the band has been working hard on our new Venice album, "What Summer Brings." I can't wait to share all these new songs and new sounds with you all. And I'm so excited to announce that this will be a DOUBLE album! After seven years since our last studio album, we have too many new songs we want to share, so this will be a 2 CD set. We tried cutting it down to 15 or 16 songs on one CD...but we all agreed we couldn't do it....the songs are too good! ;) This album shows some new sides of Venice where we're stretching our wings creatively, but it also retains the familiar Venice sound you've so kindly embraced over the years.
Before Kipp, Mark and Pat left town in mid-July to tour European stadiums with Roger Waters on the latest leg of their "Wall" tour, we recorded basic tracks for the new album (drums, bass and rough guitars), and THEN all of their Pat's guitar parts. While the boys have been gone, I've been burning the midnight oil, adding keyboards, percussion and guitars, with some help from our close family of professional musicians........working together to build these songs into what we envisioned when we wrote them. I've been sending mixes to the boys to listen to, and get their feedback on. It's weird not to have them around, but it is fun to surprise them with new mixes and newly added parts that they haven't heard. They love that "Wall" gig, but they're eager to get home....and I'm eager to have them back!
We're on track to release "What Summer Brings" at the beginning of November, right before our Holland tour begins. It will be on sale at the merch booth at every stop on the tour. U.S. fans will be able to order the album from our Venice Store website, or pick it up at any of our December shows.
We're pleased to announce that we've added a show to Venice's "What Summer Brings" tour in Holland. It will take place on November 23 at Schaaf City Theater in Leewarden. Tickets are already on sale, and can be obtained here.
We're very excited to announce that during our Netherlands tour, we will be acting as "house band" on a new Radio 2 show with DJ Sander Guis, every Sunday afternoon in the month of November, from 2-4pm. You should be able to stream the show over the internet anywhere in the world from their official website. We'll share more info with you as we get it.
For all you California Venetians, or visiting Venetians, we will be doing our annual Halloween show on Saturday, October 26, at the Lennon Lounge in Santa Monica. This show features Venice and The Pine Mountain Logs sharing an evening of rock & roll. The band dresses up, and we encourage you to as well. There will be prizes for best costumes. Tickets for the Halloween show will go on sale October 1 at 10am PST, exclusively at Venice Store. Save the date!
When we return from Holland, we'll hit the ground running. First off, we're doing three different headlining concerts in Illinois: A Christmas show and a Pine Mountain Logs show in Springfield, and a "greatest hits" show in Carbondale. See Venice Central for details. And then, it wouldn't be a Christmas season with Venice Christmas concerts, right? So we hope to see you at one of these:
December 14 - Lennon Lounge, Santa Monica, CA
Tickets on sale soon
December 15 - SOhO, Santa Barbara, CA
Tickets on sale soon
December 19 - Belly Up Tavern, Solana Beach, CA
Tickets on sale here.
We look forward too seeing you all, and we're so excited to have new Venice music to share with you, on disc and live! Thanks for the never-ending support. We're so lucky to have you!
Michael - Venice